Monday, July 11, 2011

Blogging frustrations!

Admittedly, I am not computer savvy.  But this is just ridiculous!  I have been trying to comment on other blogs for days, and I'm either a COMPLETE idiot, or something is wrong.  I type in my comment, hit "post comment" and select to post using google account since that's what I use for blogger, and it takes me to my log in page.  I log in to my google account, then it takes me right back to "post comment" where I have to type in the verification code.  I type it in, hit post comment and I'm right back to my log in screen.  This cycle could go on indefinitely.  What in the world am I doing wrong?  Am I really this stupid?


  1. I've never had this problem on here, but a while ago on our "main/family computer" we didn't update it, ever and it started functioning terribly. I then realized it was far too out of date with updates and such. I don't know what you use if you have a pc, mac, iphone or what browser you use i.e., firefox, google chrome etc... But just suggesting maybe you aren't updated to the latest with what your using and things aren't running properly. Just a suggestion, hope it helps good luck!

  2. In case anyone is hanging on the edge waiting to hear if I AM IN FACT a complete idiot(which I doubt because I think I'm mostly talking to myself here), the answer is YES. Yes, in fact, I AM a complete nimrod! All I had to do was uncheck the "remember me" box on sign in. I missed that answer on my first help search. Sheesh.

  3. Thank you Niki, that is a great suggestion. In the past if I've had pc issues, it usually was corrected just with updates, so that's always a good thing to try. I guess the "remember me" box was messing with my authentication (so says a much more knowlegable person on the help page). I think I'm good know, we'll see :P

  4. I had exactly the same thing and also didn't realise it was down to the 'remember me' button! Blogger is very annoying though, its always breaking!

  5. Sarah, glad to hear I'm not the only one. If Blogger is always breaking, I'm in trouble because I'm clueless with these things. But, I suppose we can't complain too much since it's free.

  6. I'm sorry to hear your September 8th date is getting pushed back. It must be especially frustrating since you've made all the preparations for the surgery. Being that my first "progress" molds were taken two weeks ago, I don't even know what month my operation will fall on. FYI...your profile picture is adorable. I don't see the saggy-"joweled mean face" in this pic.

  7. Kristi,

    You are just too sweet! Thank you for the kind words.
    It is frustrating. But I figure, it only gets harder from here, so I shouldn't get worked up so early on. One way or another, I'll find a way to roll with it.
    Looks like you are still early on with your braces...lots of hurry up and wait, right?
