Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Do I have something in my teeth?

Today was pink clay day, which I've been anxiously awaiting.  These are the molds I've been waiting to take, for what seems like for ever!  When I go back to my ortho in 3 weeks, he'll let me know if my teeth are where they need to be for surgery.  Anyone who's had molds taken with braces on understands how hard it is to get all those tiny pieces out.  And the sink station is smack dab in the middle of the office, where everyone can see you brushing, picking, spitting and gnarling it up in the mirror looking for more stragglers.  Not a pleasant situation at all!  But at least there is no pain involved. 

Speaking of pain, my teeth don't hurt anymore.  This should be a good thing, but I think if they don't hurt then they are not moving.  Then again, what do I know?  Also, I think I've started clenching my teeth in my sleep.  I have never done this before, but the past few weeks I often wake up with tight jaw muscles and sore molars.  My TM joints are popping and clicking  A LOT now, and they never used to.  So, I mentioned it to my ortho and he gave me a night guard to use.  I can't imagine sleeping with that thing in my mouth, but I'll give it a try.

I still feel like I'm in limbo but other things are looking up.  I've lost 31 pounds!  It's not much but I'm down two pant sizes, and people are starting no notice now, which makes all the hard work seem worth it.  I have 49 lbs to go still, but I'm almost half way to my goal, yay me!  Another positive lately, I'm starting to feel less stressed about juggling my roles.  I was a stay at home mom for two years, I've been back to work since February.  I've had a hard time learning to balance full time work (I do one 8 hour and two 16 hour shifts each week, or two 12's and a 16), and being the best Mommy/chef/maid that I can.  And what I've learned, is that I can't do it all with the degree of perfection I'd like, and that's OKAY.  As Cece says in her blog, "Screw Superwoman!"  I've pretty much waived the white flag regarding house work.  I'll get to it when I can, everything doesn't HAVE to be spotless all the time.  Right now, spending time with my daughter is more important.  She has so many things going on right now between the divorce and a new classroom in school every couple of months, I worry about her.  But, that's my job I guess, I'm supposed to worry :)

Sorry for the long-winded tangent.  I try to keep my banter to jaw related issues only here, but sometimes I wander.  I hope everyone recovering is doing well and those who have recently recovered are loving life with their brand new chompers!



  1. HA!

    I SO relate to the molds while in braces debaucle. I did that very say thing last week.
    My orthodontist did a complete new set of records to resubmit to BCBS for surgery approval.

    I felt like a freak with that stuff in my brackets and on my cheek. Felt like it was there all day..

    anyway, I have a tentative date set for October 6th. Has your ortho indicated a time when you will be ready yet?

    Its nice to talk to someone who is fairly in the same place at the same time.

    Good luck!

  2. Hi Janell!

    I was scheduled for Sept 8th, but when my last set of molds came back, they decided to change the surgical plan. So, now I have to wait until my teeth are where they need to be for the new approach. Very frustrating, but I understand it's just the process and I have to roll with it.

    The OS office told me "sometime this Fall", so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    October 6th will be here before you know it. I'm sure you're getting quite excited. I agree, its nice to talk with someone at the same stage. You'll have to keep me posted on your progress. Best of luck!


  3. Nichole,

    31 lbs.?? You GO girl!!! That's an awesome accomplishment. I'm so proud of your determination to be the best "you" that you can. Your little one is blessed to have such a hard-working mommy working to reach so many goals. You ARE a super-woman. :-)

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your surgery date will be set in stone in the near future. I know that waiting for a date can drive one to many a sleepless night.

    I'm sorry to hear that your jaws/teeth are doing weird things. Mine started to do the same thing before my surgery in 2009. I think that the braces had moved my teeth and jaws into a position to "prep" for surgery, but in a very unnatural position. Warm, moist heat seems to relieve a great deal of the discomfort.

    Best wishes to you!!

  4. Nichole!!!

    HOORAY! Those molds are the worst, but be prepared the ones at the surgeon's office are worse. How can that be you ask your self? I still don't know how they managed it. But absolutely worth it. I'm glad you are getting close!!! Hooray, I'm crossing my fingers for you! And congrats on all you're accomplishments, this summer went well for you!

    Glad to hear from you, I hope everything works out (and gets allot less busy )

    Life's a party, wear the hats

    Niki :)

  5. Thank you Cece, I'm quite proud of myself also for finally taking charge of my life and changing the things I'm unhappy about. Next project, school (gulp). I need a career change and it's not gonna happen by me whining that I hate my job :) I think I'll hold off on that for a post-op endeavor though.
    Thanks for the moist heat suggestion. Why that has not yet occured to me, with all my medical knowledge, I'll never know. Save for the fact that I can be an absent-minded doofus sometimes :) They DID warn me things would get worse in preparation for surgery. Hope you are feeling well!


  6. Niki,

    Thanks for the warning about the surgeon's molds, I wouldn't have expected that. I hope you're feeling well and your pain is getting more manageable. I know coming off the Tramadol seems awful, but it's better for your over-all health in the long run. Pain meds can easily become addictive, you don't need that for sure. Soon, misery will be an afterthought and you can focus on your studies and having fun in your junior year. I'm so excited for you!


  7. When is your follow-up ortho appointment to hopefully get another date scheduled?

  8. follow up is the 21st to discuss my molds and progress. I'm really trying not to give myself an ulcer. Say a prayer that I'll be able to go on the last week of Oct. That's the only week my mom can reschedule her vacation for and the last week I can take off work until AFTER the 1st of the year. OIY!

  9. Nichole,

    We are seriously following the same schedule for our surgeries! On Aug 30th I was at the orthodontist getting molds done. I thought they were bad without braces on but they are definitely 10 times worse with them. As far as the surgeons molds go I would guess you probably don't have to worry about that. Dr. Ochs got copies of my mold from the orthodontist and did not take any of his own, I'm hoping the same is true for you.

    I was back yesterday to have 4 brackets repositioned to move 2 teeth up on my lower jaw. I can't believe my surgery is only 5 weeks away. If you get the end of October we'll have to watch movies and drink milkshakes together!

    How long did they tell you that you would be off for?

    Congratulations on the weight loss! They told me to expect to lose around 7lbs with the first surgery and I gained weight so I'm glad you aren't counting on that for help. I'm trying to lose the last few I gained before my next surgery but I have no will power.


  10. Meredith!

    How cool...same town, same surgeon, same schedule. It really is amazing! Glad things are clicking along as planned for you.

    I was told two weeks downtime with the first week being really rough. But, from reading everyone's blogs, I'm not sure I'll be able to return to work at two weeks. I have a physical, on my feet for long hours kind of job, so I'm saving my pennies for sure.

    5 weeks, oh my it will be here so fast. I feel like we should do lunch or something. Something super crunchy :)

    I'm hopeful I will continue to loose weight after surgery. But I'm doubtful that surgery alone will cause any long term weight loss. I still have a way to go and I know it will take a lot of work.

    What are you having done? I have a terrible memory. What types of things have you done to prepare so far?


  11. Nichole,

    I've love to do lunch if you want. I'm trying to eat lost of salad because that is what I missed the most after my first surgery. I never thought I'd crave lettuce!

    My surgery will most likely be upper and lower jaw. I have an open bite so the upper jaw will be to change the tilt and they think when they do that I might end up with an under bite so that is where the bottom jaw comes into play.

    I'm thinking if they do both jaws I'm going to need a small white board to write on since I imagine it will be hard to talk. Other than that I've been stocking up on fruit in my freezer for smoothies. I have plastic baby spoons and forks from my last sugery and a sippy cup that we took the rubber stopper out of so the liquid will just drip into your mouth.

    I don't know if the rules are the same for this 2nd surgery but after the first one I wasn't allowed to drink from a stray, blow my nose, or sneeze for 2 weeks.


  12. Awww, thanks. That is so cool to have people rooting for me :) I'm ready for some good luck and some good news in my life.
